An amazing fall weekend in central New York
The Critz Farms Kermis is a 'dirt race' that the Ommegang promoters describe as being ideal for either the mountain or the cross bike since the course transverses around and through apple tree fields. At times, the course is extremely bumpy and other times, it is smooth, gravel road. For me, there was no question on which bike I would ride as my cross bike was not put together yet. I was comfortable with that after competing on my mountain bike last weekend in a cross race. We like supporting local race promoters and more importantly, we like racing so close to our home.
The last time I competed on this course, Jeff was home sick and the race was still in its infancy; that is, it was the first year for the event. Now, two years later, the course was changed and the Ommegang team is well-versed in organizing races. As we pulled in, we were in awe of the apples hanging like ripe grapefruit from the trees. The farm itself is set up for family adventure complete with apple picking, tractor rides, and farm animals to entertain the children. All this was going on while we raced.
Jeff raced in the masters category and I did the open women's race. Our races were separated by a minute at the start, so all the racers were out on course at the same time. Jeff had a strong start and was riding with the lead group when half way through the race, he hit a fairly large rock and immediately flatted. He yelled, "See ya later guys...." Having no spare set of wheels, Jeff's race was done. (Often times we don't come prepared to races because we're too tired to do anything on Friday nights or Saturday mornings, so in the end, Jeff was unbothered by this.)
As for me, I had a strong start and held on to a set of skinny tires as long as I could, but eventually fell off the pace by the end of the first lap. I would stay in 3rd place and virtually ride the race alone 'til the end with the exception of catching a few stragglers from the masters race.
Afterwards, Jeff and I did a cool down ride and then, made our way over to the open field where the children were playing and the animals were roaming. This was my favorite part of the day. I love animals and I love children. I guess that's why teaching fits me so well.
With the llamas (llamas are my favorite animal!)
Driving home from the race, Jeff and I discussed the possibility of racing Sunday. We had three races to choose from: two mountain bike races and one cross race. In the end, we decided to go with the closest race to our home which would be the Victor Apple Farm Cross Race in Victor, NY. This was a new race at a new course put on the the Trailblazers Bike Shop. Unfortunately, this race had preregistration only, and as one might expect, the Jeffina reserves the right to always change his/her mind, so we rarely preregister for any race. After a few calls to EJ and to the race promoter, we were given special entry. During one of these phone calls, EJ motivated Jeff to put my new cross bike together. Jeff worked feverishly to finish the bike and by 9:30 pm, it was done. I would race this new bike on Sunday. No pre-ride, just jump on it and go. Based on the work Jeff has done on all my bikes, I trust him wholeheartedly. It's undoubtedly the lightest bike I have ever owned.
New cross bike with new Crankskins (Zoey made her way into every photo!)
We were especially grateful to the race promoter, Dave Ferritt, for allowing us to race and when we pulled up at the Victor Apple Farm, we were once again greeted by large crowds of people, an on-site 'everything apple' store, and acres and acres of apples. The race was part of a larger festival that drew bands, vendors, and many other fall-related activities. For a first time event, we were impressed. Registration went smoothly, the course was well laid out and very spectator friendly, and parking was convenient. Like the Critz Farms Kermis, this course was also around the apple orchards and in addition, also included hiking trails. Jeff and I both agreed that this was by far the most fun cross course we ever rode. It had amazing flow, some ups and downs, plenty of turns, switch backs, and a few barriers. We loved this course.
Jeff competed in the masters 35+ race and the open division. The masters race took place first and Jeff lined up in the front row (as per the discretion of the race promoter) with a relatively large field of 45. My race was immediately lining up behind the guys, so I was able to watch his start. Jeff had a strong start and then, it was my turn. A lot of local Rochester gals showed up for this race and I was a bit nervous being on a new bike (with some new shifting features), but after racing for so many years, I just rode intuitively not thinking about anything else except for the race. I had a good start and would eventually be passed by one rider who would go on to win the women's event. I had a clean race and finished in 2nd. During my last lap, Jeff and the leader from his race, lapped me. Jeff was in 2nd at this time and would hold on to the place at the finish. He had an amazing race. Afterwards, he said that he and the leader rode the first 3 laps together and the guy eventually pulled away from him. Jeff was unable to respond and just worked to hold his place. Other local riders in the masters division included Bryan B., Aaron J., and Jason D.
The top 5 from the masters race
During Jeff's second race, I was able to walk around and take photos.
Trailblazers bike shop sponsored the event
The men line up for the open race
Racers on course
Jeff rode the steepest climb that left many walking (like me!)
Jeff at finish of 2nd race
Race venue
There are local cross races every weekend in the upcoming months. For now, we are enjoying ourselves and the beautiful fall weather.
Together, we are Jeffina. Crankin' out the miles, crankin' out the love for
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