Jeff, my husband
Jeff is undoubtedly the greatest love of my life. Through our relationship, I have learned that love is the strongest force in the Universe. Love transcends time, space, and even death. I often tell my students on Valentine's Day that it is always better to love than hate, and to go home and spread love in the world. The love I feel in our relationship allows me to love others and to walk in this world feeling loved and to give love. Jeff has also taught me the value of hard work and the importance of letting go as a necessary means of healing.
My father, John
My father and I have had an interesting relationship during my adult years and it has only been in the past 5-6 years where I have finally come to a point where I love him as he is. It took me a while to learn forgiveness. In my 20's and 30's, I had little time to focus on my own insecurities and it wouldn't be until I met Jeff and learned about how destructive the process of divorce can be for father's since our legal system does little to protect their rights in courts. Father's will often suffer more pain than others in the process and for this reason, I now see that my father did the best he could given the conditions in which he was forced to exist.
My brother, Chris
Chris never ceases to remind me that I am still his little sister. To him, I am not Dr. Katina, I am not a professor, and I am not a scholar. I am still his little sister and for this, I love him dearly. He is my best friend. Growing up, I am sure that our parents thought that Chris and I would not survive living in the same household, but by the time we got to high school, we were best friends. Chris has taught me, "Love what you do and do what you love...." Like most of us, Chris deals with his own daily challenges, especially right now, but his cycling/racing have provided him with a quiet spot in these difficult times.
My father-in-law, Dick
By marrying Jeff, I automatically gained a wonderful set of in-laws. Jeff's father, Dick, at 75 years old, is one of our greatest supporters. He and Nancy regularly attend our cycling events and for anyone who knows us well, they know that they attend events in all weather conditions, all temperatures, and at all hours. A few years ago, Dick and Nancy attended one of the national races held at Mt. Snow, VT. Most of the national level races start at an early time. Dick and Nancy left their home at 3 a.m. to drive to VT and watch our 8 a.m. race. Through Dick, I have learned the value of family and most importantly, the value of a good hug. The value of a good hug should not be underestimated when the effects can change a bad day into a good one and can calm one's spirit.
My uncle Glenn
My side of the family is fairly small which is in some ways, a good thing. We are a relatively tight knit family despite living in different parts of the country. My uncle Glenn has been the cornerstone in my family. He has routinely worked in large cities and in large firms in places such as Philadelphia, NYC, and Providence, but when we came to visit, he always took time for family. He and his wife have always provided us with support and shared with us some of the finer things in life -- lobster dinners, museum visits, classical music, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parades, and ocean side vacations. My uncle has taught me the lessons of consistency and perseverance, as well as enjoying life in moderation. Nightly, he enjoys a small bowl of ice cream, topped in hot fudge sauce. I hope to do the same thing at this age.
In honorarium, I would also like to recognize our good friend, EJ, the fearless leader of Having EJ in our lives has in many ways renewed our love of riding at a time when many are ready to hang up the bike. EJ's passion and love for the sport is contagious and leads us to want to continue riding our very best. For this, I also celebrate EJ's contribution in my life.
All told, these men are a positive influence in my life. I encourage readers to take time on Father's Day to recognize the men in their life and to let them know how much they mean to you. Even if they are not "fathers," let them know you care and remember, it is always better to love than to hate. Hate will only serve to divide people where love will unify.
Today, I am "..ina" of Jeffina and I am crankin' out the love, crankin' out the miles for Crankskin. com.
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