The Jeffina working hard in the garden
Growing up in West Virginia, we never had a vegetable garden, but for Jeff, his family had a garden large enough to supply his family with vegetables throughout the year. Because of this, I let him take the lead on organizing the garden and after that, I am the one who mainly weeds the garden and picks the harvest.
This year, our garden is doing well despite the tomato plight of last year and we are already enjoying arugula and spinach. Due to the tomato plight, we decided to experiment with a Topsy-Tursy contraption. This product was widely advertised on TV, as well as at our local hardware store, so we thought we would give it a shot. So far, so good.....
Below I have posted photographs of the plants in our garden. I will send a sticker to the first person who can correctly identify the plants. Please leave your answers in the comments portion of our blog. Or, if you would prefer, I'll just give you a sticker the next time I see you out riding. Good luck!
Picture #1:
Picture #2:
Picture #3:
Picture #4:
Picture #5:
Picture #6:
Picture #7:
Together, we are Jeffina, crankin' out the miles, crankin' out the love for
those strawberries are starting to look tasty!
Hi Paul:
If you can properly identify the other plants, you will win the sitcker!
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